Day Of Healing For AMMA


Offered by Dr. Mei Jen Weng, L.A.C, PH.D:
Acupuncture--Traditional acupuncture, is a holistic approach to disease management and health maintenance based on a 2500-year old history.  The principal aim of acupuncture is to maintain and restore the equilibrium between the person's physical, emotional and spiritual aspects.  The basic premise of Oriental medicine is that health is dependent on the body's life energy or "qi" flowing in a smooth and balanced way through the network of meridians (channels) connecting all major organs.  Qi consists of equal and opposite qualities, known as yin and yang.  When these become unbalanced, the result is illness.  The acupuncturist restores balance to the person's qi by inserting fine disposable needles into the channels of energy, stimulating the body's own natural healing mechanisms and correcting the imbalance.

Offered by Dr. Myk Bray, DC:
CranioSacral Therapy
—Craniosacral technique gently works with the spine and the skull and its cranial sutures, diaphragms, and fascia. In this way, the restrictions of nerve passages are relieved and the movement of cerebrospinal fluid through the spinal cord is optimized. Misaligned bones are restored to their
proper position.

Neuromuscular Re-education—Neuromuscular re-education is a therapeutic
technique that is used to improve balance, coordination, posture, kinesthetic sense and proprioception. 

Applied Kinesiology—Applied Kinesiology is a complementary therapy with chiropractic, which uses various forms of muscle testing to identify imbalances in the body's structural, chemical, emotional and spiritual energies

Offered by Kerry Tepedino, HHP
Craniosacral Therapy
—Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is a relaxing hands-on therapy that gently assists the body's natural capacity for self-repair. This subtle healing work takes a whole-person approach by acknowledging the mind, body, and spirit interconnections. It helps increase vitality and well-being, not only affecting structural change when a priority, but also having wider implications, both
emotionally and spiritually. The resulting increased sense of well-being can help with many aspects of life, from strengthening the immune system to improving interpersonal relationships. 

Offered by Surya Wohl, D.D.
Energy Flow Realignment
—Each “treatment” is completely individualized and is exactly what your body, subtle/energy body and Being needs right now.  Light Touch is common.  Guided Visualization, Breath Work, Mantra and Sound Toning are sometimes performed.  

Surya will see and work on opening up blockages in your physical and subtle energetic body that are restricting your bodily experience, your well-being and your life.  He will help realign the flow of energy within your body and being and get things moving for you in all aspects once again
Offered by Robin Lee / Prakasi:
Medical Intuitive Healing
—A very unique type of nutritional and lifestyle counseling tailored specifically to what your body is asking for and needing at this time. Whether you have a serious health concern, or are simply looking for a tune up or deeper understanding into your body’s language, time with Prakasi will be a very supportive part of your healing journey.

Offered by Matea Polisoto, N.D.:
Intuitive Aromatherapy Consultation--
Dr. Matea will read your energy field and prescribe essential oils that can be used for cleansing, balancing and healing the body. She will give you a small sample of oils to take home.

Offered by Laurel Miltenberger: 
Reconnective Healing (hands-off energy healing)—Client will lie on the table with eyes closed. The room will be quiet and the treatment will last about 30 minutes.

Offered by Karen Felice: 
Reiki Energy Healing
—Treatments include laying of gemstones and the use of aura soma oils, specific to the individual’s needs. Each session includes a body scan that helps move stagnant energy. These areas receive specialized attention, filled with white, golden, healing light.  

Offered by Nancy D. McNary, MA: 

Reiki and Aromatherapy—Reiki promotes healing and stress reduction by employing Universal Life Force Energy, which is a limitless source.  As a Reiki practitioner, Nancy performs Reiki by the touch of her hands to channel the subtle energy through herself to the patient to achieve the desired intention and healing.
Aromatherapy is widely known to help enhance psychological and physical wellbeing by inhaling the aroma from essentials oils, as in the Rain Drop technique.

Offered by Gina Schneider Marchese: 

Basic Facial
—Cleans, honey masque, extraction (if needed or wanted) massage, and masque. 

Offered by Jaclyn Hannibal
Massage Therapy-Swedish, Deep Tissue, Focus On Injury/Problem Areas